I’m not trying to be rude. Honestly, the tooth fairy is welcome in my house but it was made clear last Thursday that she will not be visiting our house anymore. The exchange of words between my daughter and I brought tears to my eyes. My daughter leaped from my bear hug to grab a pencil. She was eager to write a letter to the tooth fairy for the last time. What did I do? I grabbed my iPhone to take a picture so I could document the moment. Then, I fell into my pillow to shed tears.
As I laid there in my pillow, I thought back to this moment 11 years ago when my daughter’s first tooth finally popped through her gums. She was a late teething baby and I remember the moment clearly when that little white tooth finally popped through the skin. L and I danced around for what seemed forever. Happy tears were falling from my face. Fast forward 11 years and I am crying again because all those little baby teeth that finally came through the gums are long gone. She will soon have all her permanent teeth.
Isn’t it crazy how milestones come full circle? The tooth fairy was the last bit of childhood that I was clinging to before both of my beautiful girls leap full force into their teenage years. Long gone are the days when I would be awaken to the sounds of the girls squealing in delight about how much the tooth fairy had left them under their pillow. By the way, the tooth fairy has really inflated her surprised. 50 cents has now turned into $5.00. Parents with toddlers may want to make a mental note.
L will always be my baby girl. It is a fact of life that she is growing up. It is cliche, but children really do grow up too fast. I’m off to go hug my girls tight. They will always be mommy’s girls!

Awww, your baby girl is growing up. But she’ll never be too big for your hugs.
How funny you posted this right when I did a post on the Tooth Fairy’s first visit. Oh, the timing. LOL