I am very determined this year for several reasons. Each new year brings hope and prosperity. This year is no different. I just feel more determination and very eager to put things into place for my family. I am DETERMINED! Yes, I am screaming from the rooftops.
I am determined to secure another job that will help my family survive. My husband and I both will both be unemployed at the end-of-the month. Hope and determination will turn this around.
I am determined to grow closer to Christ and share the gospel to more people through all my social media avenues. Social Media allows me to talk to a lot of people. Why do I need to hide behind this screen and not share my faith? 2013 will be more sharing the gospel.
I am determined to be a better wife to my husband. During bible study tonight. My husband and I both talked to the group about how closer we have become in the last year and half. We were on some shaky grounds and did not treat each other the best. The last year and half has brought us so much closer. We actually listen to one another now and talk more than ever. I am more in love with him today than when I first met him. He is my best friend, my soul-mate. 2013 brings determination to have more date nights and more closeness.

I am determined to be a better mom. Turn off work more and spend more time away from technology. My girls will only be this age one time. It’s time to walk away from so much technology and really enjoy the moments. We have been doing this for last couple months of movie nights and game nights. I want more.
I am determined to be better organized. I have been saying this for the last 11 years since my husband and I first got together. I am very organized in my work but not so much at home. Determination will prevail.
Determined in 2013!
What is your one word for this year?

My word is “disciplined”, because I am NOT. Not at all, lately. Has something to do with waking up 4 times a night, probably. 😉
Great word Cindy. I need to be more disciplined with better sleep ;).
That is a great word for you Jen. It fits you. I know you will succeed at being determined. I need to do that too especially with time away from technology. Have been working on it and it feels so good to just spend time with hubby and the kids and leave the rest of the world behind. It will be there when I get back.