Each morning, I check my e-mail first thing. You would think I would wake up and go take a shower, eat breakfast and get dressed before I hop straight onto technology? That would be a negative. I am a tech geek, always have been and sure always will be if I continue this same route. I am a computer information technology student afterall. Being addicted to technology though has really started bothering me. This morning, I opened up an e-mail from Proverbs 31 Ministries. A sentence in the e-mail said to the effect, why is it easy to pick up a tech gadget but not easy to pick up a Bible instead? This really hit home to me so much.
I have a super busy semester this time. I am on campus unfortunately 4 days out of 5. All my classes are on campus this semester and it has tossed my routine out the door. I feel like I am always on some type of technology device lately. I am doing homework with my graphing calculator, I am checking work e-mail and keeping tabs on all work’s social outlets, I am blogging, I am checking personal e-mail and the cycle just continues.
I put off getting a smart-phone for so long but finally mid 2009, I could not put it off anymore. I knew if I got a smart-phone I would always be glued to the device so I put it off for as long as I could. Now I need the smart-phone for work. I just wish I could tell myself to turn the device OFF. I wake up in the middle of the night checking work’s social outlets to make sure all is okay. Do I get paid for those hours? Well, no but it just worries me that something will happen if I am not continuously checking. If I am so worried about picking up the phone, why can’t I be so worried about picking up my bible. I read my devotions each day, but do I pick it back up any other time during the day? The answer would be no. This troubles me.
I don’t want this addiction. I love technology, believe me, I am head over heels in love with technology. Family and friends from all over, call me, e-mail me, or text me to ask my opinions about technology or how I can fix their technology device. I enjoy that so much, but I don’t want to do that 24/7. I need the break. Instead, I want the addiction and to be head over heels in love with my bible and Jesus Christ. I want the girls to know that they are more important than a technology gadget.
Prayers work wonder and I am going to pray for peace in this situation. God I need your direction and your strength to turn away from the device. Life will be okay and I will not hyperventilate if I don’t have my smart-phone beside me. Instead, I want you and your word always beside me, my husband and our beautiful girls.

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