I am often asked this question… and so many people say that God will not give you more than you can handle. Honestly, I don’t believe that is true. God would not give us things that keep causing us to suffer and experience bad times. I do believe though that God will see us through all the things that do happen. I love my almighty Father and I honestly do not know where I would be today without him.
As this last year has been one up and down roller coaster, the last two months have been the icing on the cake so to speak. Hubbs car accident, my surgery tomorrow (with no insurance) and now we got news Hubbs has been put out of work as of Friday. He was really debating on when would be the right time to tell me, he said. You see his cardiologist put him on light duty for six months, well his job of six years is now telling him they do not have any work for him to do as light duty… so they have put him out on FMLA leave. It just doesn’t make sense… they let him work for a month now doing light duty stuff and then out of the blue take him into the office and say they don’t have anything else for him to do as light duty???
Anywho… when hubbs told me this, I was like I’m not worried one bit. We will give it to the Lord and he will see us through it. I just feel at peace about it. Yes, it does mean I will need to step up and work more hours to get us through the next few months, but I have no fear that I will not be able to accomplish the task. I have been praying about it and I know God will provide me with the work and jobs that I need to provide for my family.
We just never know from day to day how life is going to be, so all I say is enjoy and embrace each and every day that you have. Don’t forget to love on your loved ones and make sure to tell them how much you appreciate them being in your life. I can say life is a bummer right now.. but no I’m not. Life is good… I have hubbs and my girls who brighten my life so much!!

Jen, I couldn’t agree more. Nothing bugs me more than people telling me “God won’t give you more than you can handle” because I’ve never believed God gives us pain and suffering.
We live in a fallen world..a world of pain and heart ache, but I (like you) strongly believe he can hold you up and together through that pain and suffering.
He can help you through it and bless you with health and happiness and wealth. You have the right attitude to get through these hard times and I am proud of you for that.
I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow. 🙂
I haven’t been online much due to my own health issues but as soon as I’m 100% I’ll be back to catch up with you.
casual friday everyday’s last blog post..Belly Grows Love
Jen I have been thinking about you. I hope everything goes well! I do believe everything will work out for you and your family.
Stefanie – Mommy Musings’s last blog post..Crazy Kid Fashion Combos
I feel your pain. We have been through our own rollercoaster ride the past many years and have finally just seemed to be coming to the end of the ride. Of course, there’s no getting off in life, so I am sure it will start back up soon enough. Your attitude is right on. I believe the Lord does get us THROUGH the good and the difficult times. He doesn’t make things happen to us. He just doesn’t get in the way. And, the wonderful thing is that we are all the better for it in the end.
Good luck with everything. I’ll be keeping your family in my thoughts.
jyl @ mommygossip’s last blog post..I Am the Next Stephenie Meyer
You’re focused on the right things – hubs and your girls. I’ve always believed if you have your family around you everything else will fall into place. Keep the faith. As I told someone else that’s having a rough patch, and as I often tell myself when I feel overwhelmed – this too shall pass. And usually what comes after is better than what came before. I’ll keep you and your family in my prayers.
Donna’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday
Jen you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers as always. And you are so right, it isn’t God giving us these troubles but He is the one that gives us the strength to endure it all.
Keep your chin up and your grateful attitude for having your family to love is one all of us should endeavor to remember and duplicate.
HUGS to you my dear friend,
Nan’s last blog post..Lines that Divide Us
Your thoughts are good. It’s really very important
Inusrance’s last blog post..Inusrance. Free Insurance Quotes
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